Board of Zoning Appeals

The establishment of a Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) is required by law for any township in Ohio that has adopted zoning. The Board's job is to hear, and make quasi-judicial decisions on, applications for variances, conditional uses, and administrative appeals.

The Board of Zoning Appeals consists of five regular members and two alternate members appointed by the Township Trustees. All members are residents of the Township. The Board holds regular public meetings every month and special meetings, as needed. Meetings may be canceled due to a lack of business.

Name Term Expiration
Jerrad Christian, Alternate 3/31/2025
Bob DeRose 3/31/2025
Paul Hanson 3/31/2028
Mark Harmon 3/31/2027
Mark Phillips 3/31/2026
Teresa Yu 3/31/2029
Vacant, Alternate 3/31/2026
Susan Dorsch, Deputy Zoning Inspector n/a

If you are a Township resident and are interested in serving on the Board of Zoning Appeals, please submit a completed application online.