Communication Advisory Committee

2024 meeting dates: The committee will meet at Township Hall at 6:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of every other month. Next meetings to be held June, August, October, December. 

The Communication Advisory Committee is composed of no more than 5 members with 3-year terms. Their duties include sharing their industry knowledge with the Township staff to improve communication with residents, studying communications best practices, assessing needs within Township communications for equipment, software, staff training, or other resources, and making recommendations to the Township Trustees. The committee is authorized to appoint special sub-committees for recommendation to the trustees to review. The committee will meet quarterly with additional dates to be scheduled as needed. (Mission Statement approved 2/21/2019) View meeting minutes.

Name Term Expiration
John Buckles, Chair 3/31/2025
Darlene Dalton, Vice Chair 3/31/2026
Tracy Damschroder 3/31/2027
Carolyn Greshemer, Secretary 3/31/2025
Matthew Haines 3/31/2025
Leslie Strader, Communication Director Staff 
Renee Vaughan, Trustee  Liaison

New members are recruited and appointed annually.  Residents interested in serving a board, committee, or commission may submit an application and a resume at any time to be kept on file and considered for appointment at the next opportunity.